
Want to help?

Anyone interested in volunteering for Ferry Bluff Eagle Council activities, please email us at eagles@ferrybluffeaglecouncil.org

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Assist with membership promotion by writing letters, stuffing envelopes, labeling, creating forms, etc.
  • Maintain membership database, create reports and analyze membership trends
  • Write and design flyers and brochures, write news releases
  • Organize, implement and market special membership events
  • Follow-up with members who wish to volunteer
  • Analyze the member and volunteer survey, to better understand what motivates our members and our volunteers

Bald Eagle Watching Days

  • Help with selling items
  • Set-up and clean-up before and after programs
  • Lead one-hour bus tours
  • Greet visitors at the Overlook
  • Staff the membership /information table
  • Present FBEC 20 minute slide show


  • Greet visitors at the eagle viewing Overlook for 2-hour shift on weekends
  • Maintain FBEC website
  • Create displays
  • Exhibit at special events throughout the year
  • Maintain “All About Eagles” education kits
  • Give presentations to local community groups
  • Design and distribute semi-annual newsletter

Research and Management

  • Help with roost counts every 2-3 weeks throughout the winter
  • Represent FBEC at public meetings and monitor local land use issues that affect areas used by eagles
  • Design and conduct surveys to collect social and economic information related to the area’s wintering eagles
  • Work with landowners to manage eagle-use areas wisely
  • Work with community leaders, developers, and landowners in a cooperative spirit when specific threats arise to areas used by eagles

Looking to give back? Volunteer for Ferry Bluff Eagle Council and Bald Eagle Watching Days, we love to have you!