Patty Kierski and Marge Gibson January 2023

The symbolism here is very strong and very meaningful.

Barry Adams | Wisconsin State Journal | January 9, 2023 This eagle release, perhaps more than most, was spiritual. Art Shegone, a member of the Menominee and Potowatomi tribes, burned sage, cedar and sweet grass in a large clam shell that rested in the shell of snapping turtle.  Bill Miller, a Grammy Award-winning artist and…

Dr. Joe Kelley

Dr. Joe Kelley

Ferry Bluff Eagle Council was deeply saddened by the news that local veterinarian Dr. Joe Kelley died on November 2 after a four-year battle with ALS. Joe helped many sick and injured wild animals over the years, and was a first-responder when bald eagles were found sick or injured in our area. From 2000-2004, he…

Charlie Luthin of the the Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance will be presenting on the former Badger Ammunition Land and what the Future entails for that vast piece of landscape along Hwy 12 between Sauk Prairie and Baraboo, WI.

Badger Update: Restoration, Recreation and Politics

Charlie Luthin of the Sauk Prairie Conservation Alliance will be presenting on the former Badger Ammunition Land and what the Future entails for that vast piece of the landscape along Hwy 12 between Sauk Prairie and Baraboo, WI. Join Ferry Bluff Eagle Council for a brief membership meeting and refreshments too! Sunday, November 5 at…