Want to help?
Anyone interested in volunteering for Ferry Bluff Eagle Council activities, please email us at eagles@ferrybluffeaglecouncil.org
Volunteer Opportunities
- Assist with membership promotion by writing letters, stuffing envelopes, labeling, creating forms, etc.
- Maintain membership database, create reports and analyze membership trends
- Write and design flyers and brochures, write news releases
- Organize, implement and market special membership events
- Follow-up with members who wish to volunteer
- Analyze the member and volunteer survey, to better understand what motivates our members and our volunteers
Bald Eagle Watching Days
- Help with selling items
- Set-up and clean-up before and after programs
- Lead one-hour bus tours
- Greet visitors at the Overlook
- Staff the membership /information table
- Present FBEC 20 minute slide show
- Greet visitors at the eagle viewing Overlook for 2-hour shift on weekends
- Maintain FBEC website
- Create displays
- Exhibit at special events throughout the year
- Maintain “All About Eagles” education kits
- Give presentations to local community groups
- Design and distribute semi-annual newsletter
Research and Management
- Help with roost counts every 2-3 weeks throughout the winter
- Represent FBEC at public meetings and monitor local land use issues that affect areas used by eagles
- Design and conduct surveys to collect social and economic information related to the area’s wintering eagles
- Work with landowners to manage eagle-use areas wisely
- Work with community leaders, developers, and landowners in a cooperative spirit when specific threats arise to areas used by eagles