Eagle Viewing
The eagle-watching overlook in Prairie du Sac is revamped and open! This spacious overlook still offers viewing of the riverway and eagles perched on Eagle Island but accommodates more people. The overlook also has newly revised information panels. As part of a riverway revitalization project, the Village of Prairie du Sac has been instrumental in providing for this extensive remodeling of the eagle viewing area. We are most appreciative of their efforts. Yet to come, we are still working on obtaining new spotting scopes, including a handicapped-accessible scope but, due to COVID, obtaining new spotting scopes has not yet been possible. Nevertheless, our old spotting scope has been re-installed and is ready to delight many bird watchers. Come check it out this winter!
Photo: Village of Prairie du Sac

Other sites include:
The Alliant Energy – Hydroelectric Dam 

Located north of Prairie du Sac on Hwy. 78 one-half mile. At Dam Road (1st road north of the village), turn right and keep right at the fork in the road. A convenient parking lot below the dam allows eagle watching from your car. Birds often are seen fishing below the dam or perching in trees just south of the parking lot. Find out more about the dam here.
The VFW Park

Just off Hwy. 78 toward the river about 4 blocks north of the Hwy. 60 bridge. The street winds down to the river, where cars can park and easily watch eagles soaring above or perched on trees across the river.
The Sauk City River Walk

In Sauk City, north of the Hwy. 12 bridge. Turn north off Hwy. 12 at the stop light, go one block and turn towards the river a half-block. Parking is available.
Eagle watching at the dam is enhanced if you stay in your car, because people walking tend to chase eagles away.